Dec 12, 2010

December 12: Memory Garland

Hmmm.... what to do with the Christmas cards we all get? I have a hard time throwing many away and have started to make a memory garland out of them. I punched them with a 2" circle punch and easily sewed through them back to back on my sewing machine with white thread. We saved special pictures, signatures & thoughts and pretty card designs that we will treasure more through the years as we add to it. Already we see how kids have grown, loved ones have passed on or moved away. This is a keeper!


  1. This the greatest idea I've seen the whole holiday season. LOVE. IT. I'm doing it. Thanks for all the great ideas, Brenda.

  2. I LOVE this idea! Thank you so much for sharing!

  3. Brenda, what size circle punch did you use for this?
