Jun 8, 2011

Making a Family Recipe Book

How many times have you told yourself you are going to type up those delicious recipes your family loves? You're probably saying you don't have the time, right? Well, I'm here to show you how cute it can be and how much you will cherish this easy project. ALSO, it can be duplicated almost instantly!! So stop saying you're going to do it and do it! It is such a perfect gift idea for:

- Newlyweds (who don't know how to cook and NEED those recipes)
- Nieces/Nephews/Your children (maybe just leaving home for the first time and won't have Mommy to cook for them)
- Grandmother's (Christmas, Her Birthday, Mother's Day, no reason at all - come on! She'll love it!)
- Neighborhood/Girlfriend recipe swap (each neighbor creates 1 page with their favorite recipe and story about why it is so special to them)

What makes this project so easy is that you have the option to simply type the recipes out in Word, add picture of your family with the yummy dish or a family member making the dish, print and slide it in a sheet protector!

Our favorite thing is to add is a significant story about what makes this dish special. Why do you like it? Where did you learn how to make it? Who loves/hates it in your family? Was there a special holiday that this dish was reserved for?

So much about this project will be loved and cherished by everyone who uses it!

{below} personalized category dividers with your favorite paper

{below} 8x8 photo & 8x8 recipe page placed side by side
8x8 sheet protectors

{below} 8.5x11 sheet protector (easiest for multiple gifts)
8.5x11 sheet protectors

{below} 8x8 divided sheet protector

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