I want to personally thank you for the past 17 wonderful years of shopping at the Salt Lake store. I wish you all the very best as you continue to scrapbook, make cards and create wonderful papercrafts. Everything we create will be available as a kit online, ready for you to easily put together. We also reduced our shipping for you to $4.99 for $20 minimum orders that can be delivered right to your doorstep!
We would love to have you visit us in our Orem and St. George store locations, along with our website at www.pebblesinmypocket.com. Also, please follow our blog and sign up to be a fan on our Pebbles in my Pocket Facebook page for our latest promotions, new products and creativity!
Thank you
Brenda Birrell

I feel like this is a death in the family! I could not be more sad! Pebbles is and has always been my favorite paper/idea store. I don't want to shop anywhere else!
:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
We are sad too. Be sure to drop by our Orem or St. George store when you are in the area... we would love to see you!
How long will the store be open for the sale and what are the hours?
Store hours are 10-7pm Mon-Sat
6185 Highland Drive SLC
We hope to have everything liquidated by end of January-mid Feb.
Come early for the best selection
and be sure to stop by our Orem or St. George stores when you are nearby... also the website at www.pebblesinmypocket.com
I am so sad to here this baf news. Your Salt Lake Store has been an inspiration to me for such a long time. Kindly reconsider this decision and stay open!
Dear Dicksie,
I am still surprised we are closing... for a long time we have put off making this hard decision. We love this market, we love our customers. Please come see us in Orem & St. George when you are in our area and also remember the internet... we can deliver kits right to your doorstep!
Thank you for your kind words, we will miss you.
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