Jul 17, 2012

summer cha show 2012

Hello from Chicago. I have been here for a couple of days with American Crafts and Pebbles Inc... Yesterday we finished booth set up and last night carpet will be placed in the aisle and the place will be transformed for shoppers this morning. American Crafts has been a good home for Pebbles Inc and the product we feel blessed to create. This show we are spotlighting our Walnut Grove, Tricks and Treats and Seen and Noted Collections. I hope you love them as much as I do.

We have added these new collections to our website and all are available for pre-ordering. Your credit card will not actually be charged until the product is ready to ship out. Like what you see? Place your order as soon as possible while supplies last... as wonderful as it all is, much will sale out quickly. Please feel free to call the store 801.226.2632 or email Ashlee at pebblespurchasing@gmail.com with your questions.

I will be watching over the booth and visiting with store owners, but will also make time to work through the show floor and gather catalogues for purchasing. I will take some quick pictures here and there of my favorites and give you a heads up of what will be coming your way over the next couple of months.

Have a wonderful day!


1. Lara said...

Enjoy the show! Love your new lines they are awesome! And that memory quote is way fun. Great job!
