Jan 2, 2009

Pray for Darbi

Darbi Pedersen was born to Audrey and Clint yesterday at only 23 weeks, due to some unexpected complications. She weighs 1 pound and is 11 inches long. The doctors say she is a real fighter. Audrey has worked at Pebbles for over a year. We love her and her little family dearly. Please keep them in your prayers. We love you Audrey, Clint and Darbi!!!
-Pebbles Family


1. Karrie O. - Sweet Paper Treats said...

I pray for her, her baby and family.

2. CP said...

You all are the best! Thank you so much for all of your help and prayers. It will never be forgotten.

3. Crystal in TX said...

Many hopes and prayers for your little family. May Darbi grow in health quickly by leaps and bounds!

4. Mark, Chelsey, and Boys said...

My heart feels for you that you have to experience such a tough thing. I had 23 week twins and it was the hardest thing I've ever been through. The NICU is a roller-coaster ride. However one of my twins is now a completely healthy three year old boy running around with all the other kids and he has no disabilities besides taking a little longer to walk and talk. He is our miracle and i'll pray that you can have the same outcome. Be strong and take care.
