Dec 29, 2009

Memory Jars

Welcome back! I know it has been too long since I have written... juggling the Christmas Holidays and work is always a challenge for me even though we keep things very simple.
You can all look forward to some wonderful surprises for our LDS blog this coming year ... come visit often!

This Christmas I made each of our girls a memory jar with an old spice jar (any container will do!) and filled them with idea strips of free / inexpensive things we can do together throughout the year... some are the same, some are as different as each of the girls. Life is made of only a certain amount of moments and I want/need to spend more one on one time with each of them... sometimes we need a reminder to make time for the things we value most.

Some of the ideas I put in are:
Watch Movie & Snuggle
Work out together
Make a meal from food network
Go shopping
Game time
Go for a walk in the rain
Work on our blogs together
Stitch together
Crochet together, Lunch?
Paint toenails
Your Choice
Bike ride
Do a surprise service for someone else together
Go practice drive
Make cookies
Visit an older neighbor together
... make it personal for each of your children and have fun together!

