Hmmm... As I create this 31 Days of Halloween countdown list, I am learning more about my changing self. I am happy creating a simple holiday treat to enjoy and eat and then it's gone. I like not having a lot of things around me to take care of. Sometimes 'stuff' overwhelms me...
unless it's my favorite kind of stuff. Does anyone else feel the same way? When it comes to gift giving and being thoughtful, I think it's the simple treats like these cute witches brooms that make the perfect gift... made from pretzel sticks and miniature peanut butter cups. YUM! They won't last long... Enjoy your day!

so simple and so cute. and i bet they taste so yummy too. pretzels, chocolate and peanut butter?!?!
so simple yet so inventive!
I love how simple these are. Just trying to figure out a cute way to package them (as if they'd really make it to a package!)
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