Jun 25, 2012

sunnyside review by the scrap review team

We were tickled to have such a fine product review from Becky Williams from The Scrapbook Review Team for our Sunny Side Collection we created for Pebbles Inc. The line is one of my favorites too with it's bright colors and friendly summer breeze- feeling designs. It was a fun line line to design. Thank you so much Becky! 

You can look forward to the Walnut Grove Collection, Seen and Noted Collection and Trick or Treats Collection... all coming out soon. We will give you peeks once we are able :)
Have a lovely day!


1. beckyjune said...

Thank you for sharing my projects here on the Pebbles in My Pocket blog! I had so much fun playing with the Sunny Side collection and look forward to seeing the new collections from this coming CHA.
