We are now suffering from effects of the trade show. I think it happens to everyone in trade shows around the world. One day melds into another and you slowly lose your mind. I long to be outside. True, it is hard to stay in a 20x20 booth and say the same thing over and over again. But it is so wonderful to see friends in this market, along with our customers who we love & appreciate. This year the economy seems to be on everyone's minds, whether their business is here in the US or overseas. We are more tired today then we were yesterday. This show is 1/2 day too long... it should have been over today. We had an emergency evacuation in the morning. Everyone left, I stayed and cut paper.

Top left: 1) Erika Clayton & I 2) Josh & Bonnie 3) Brenda, Ash, Richard & Kyle of Obrien 4) Jane Seymore 5 Miss Vicky & I 5) Brenda, Josh, Steve & Lisa of Crate Paper

Top left: 1) Brenda, Josh, Bob & Rob 2) Brenda & Jody Hunt of My Mind's Eye 3) Emergency Evacuation 4) Bonnie, Kristia & Richard Lowton of Scrapdoodles, UK 5) Brenda & Rebecca of Scrapblog 6) Pebbles with Matt & Jessica & Sofia of Flexo-One
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