Dec 19, 2015

Ashlee and Jack

For those of you that come into the store, you may have noticed that Ashlee (our daughter and store manager) is expecting twins. Yep. Jack is getting a baby brother and sister,  due in January.  He makes my heart happy when he comes to the shop with Ashlee and is always tinkering with his tools and 'fixing' things.  He is often a dog, lion or dinosaur  and is known to growl at kids, sometimes scaring them. He doesn't bite we have to tell them with a smile and they become friends. He does not share his treats well, unless his mom gives him the 'look'. His world is about turn upside down.

 Invitro has been such a blessing for she and Paul with Jack (4) and now the twins. We know we are not in charge and are in constant prayer that all will be well. Her body is showing signs of early struggle, so she will stay in the hospital for safekeeping and will be delivering them ahead of schedule in the next day or two.

Thank you for your prayers...

Jack and snuggle time with Abby


1. Jen Reil said...

Praying for Ashlee, the twins, and your whole family! I have boy & girl twins that are 13 now, such a blessing!!

2. auntiejenni said...

my son and daughter-in-law have to do IVF....and it is a miracle that we have little stella. they are gearing up for another shot at it and my prayers are so with them hoping that everything will go well and that this little egg will find a fertile place in her womb. then a few years down the road, they will try for twins. thank heaven we live in an age of miracles. my prayers are with your daughter and i hope that all will go well and those precious babies will be delivered safely.

on another note...did you ever get the complete instructions for those adorable pinafores you made last christmas? i talked to you in the store and you mentioned that you would send them along to me. when all the busyness of the season and being a new grandma provides you time....i would love to have the rest of those directions. if you have them handy.

happiest christmas to you! just think...miraculous babies born so near the most miraculous of jenni at
